My roommates and I decided to buy ourselves an Amazon Echo for Christmas last year, and we've been messing around with the device ever since.
Most people use the Echo or Echo Dot for the standard things: issuing voice commands to play music, listen to audiobooks, and get sports scores.
We decided to take the path less traveled and add all the weird Amazon Echo hacks and unusual skills we could find.
Alexa is now infinitely more entertaining with her soothing computer voice.
If you are looking for suggestions that are actually useful, this article probably isn't for you. Here's a list of my favorite Amazon Echo hacks we've found.
1. Poetry and chicken nuggets
Have you ever been eating chicken nuggets on your couch then decided you wanted a more Zen-like experience? Hold onto your honey mustard, this skill is exactly what you’ve been waiting for.
This Amazon Echo hack makes Alexa recite a chicken nugget-based haiku. Perfect for when consuming both fast food and frozen nuggets.