Earth Day was created in 1970 as a way to increase awareness about our impact on the planet while helping us appreciate the world around us. Today, over 50 years later, Earth Day continues to inspire people all over the world to adopt greener habits.
With Earth Day right around the corner, it’s a great time to evaluate your habits and make a few changes to help protect the environment.
These Earth Day tips are simple things you can while you’re at home or away to help you show your appreciation for the environment by doing your part to protect it.
Do your part in your home
Around the house, small changes like these can make a big impact:
Go paperless
If you’re like most people, you toss junk mail in the trash as soon as you get it. Or, you pay all of your bills online. That’s why most of the ads, catalogs, and paper bills that are mailed out to houses around the country end up landfills (5.6 million tons per year, to be exact).
By opting out of unsolicited direct mail and switching bills to paperless, you can help cut down on waste and save trees. In fact, you’ll save the equivalent of 1.5 trees every year . And if every house in the US opted out of junk mail, it would save more than 100 million trees ever year.

Install a smart thermostat
Almost half the energy in your home goes to heating and cooling it. Oftentimes, this energy (and money) is wasted when your HVAC system works to heat and cool an empty home.
You can help conserve energy (and save money!) by installing a smart thermostat. Smart thermostats automatically adjust the temperature in your home based on your temperature preferences and location while offering energy savings at the same time. You’re comfortable while at home while saving energy while you’re away. And best of all, you don’t even need to think about it.