A - Automation: By setting up what are known as “recipes,” you can have a home automation system that performs an action (for example, turns on a light) when motion is detected.
B - Battery backup: Vivint’s security systems have a battery backup that’s good for up to 24 hours should your location lose power.
C - Central monitoring: Nearly all alarm companies today use a central monitoring station or a location that monitors your system and can communicate with local police.
D - Doorbell cameras: These cameras are installed though a special door lock and are activated whenever the doorbell rings, letting you easily see who’s outside.
E - Equipment: With Vivint, you can get up to $1,500 of free equipment, including some of the newest tech on the market.
F - Facial recognition: Surveillance cameras will soon tell you exactly who entered your home (as long as it’s a member of the family you’ve programmed of course) thanks to facial recognition technology.
G - Geolocation: Some alarm systems use geolocation and can automatically disarm your system when you arrive at home.
H -Happening now: Alarms of years gone by only served as an audio warning of an emergency. But today, the visual aspect can let you see what’s happening right now with your pets or your kids.
I - Intelligent notifications: Security systems today can adapt to your home and learn what’s normal. Over time, you’ll receive fewer false notifications.
J - J.D. Power and Associates: Vivint has received a pair of J.D. Power and Associates “Outstanding Customer Service Experience” certifications.
K - Key fobs: Just like your car, there are now key fobs that can control your alarm system, along with other “smart” additions like your lights.
L - Local alarm: This is an alarm that simply sounds when there’s an intrusion detected. It doesn’t notify police. Although these offer a level of protection, it’s nowhere near a monitored alarm.
M - Mobile apps: With today’s technology, you can have a mobile app that will alert you to intrusions and let you look at your home’s cameras.
N - Noise detection: One of the most basic methods of home surveillance is noise detection. Using acoustic waves, a system will sound if there’s audible movement in a certain area.
O - Outdoor cameras: These can be just as important as indoor cameras are because they serve as an excellent deterrent.
P - Pet immunity: If you have a pet living in your home, you can set your system to avoid motion below a certain level, making sure there are no false alarms.
Q - Quick response: When seconds matter, a fast response is critical. With an average response time of 7 to 8 seconds, Vivint provides the quickest time in the security industry.
R - Remote access: A selling point of many systems today is the ability to control your system remotely. You can arm/disarm through your cell phone, or you can peek in through live video.
S - Smoke detectors: Even these devices are part of today’s “smart” home. They can send you an alert if smoke is detected, meaning your home is protected while you’re away.
T - Tempered glass: If your doors have windows in them, it’s a good idea to make sure they’re tempered glass. This glass is much more difficult to break and won’t shatter into shards if it does break.
U -Underwriters Laboratories: This is a company that does standard testing of alarm companies to ensure that they’re meeting certain quality benchmarks.
V - Video monitoring: Home security systems today can alert you when motion is detected and can send you a link to live video inside your home.
W - Wireless: No longer do home security systems require a telephone line. Many today will work through cell signals. This adds security because there are no lines to cut.
X - X-ray: It’s not quite X-ray, but it’s close. Some systems today use infrasonic waves and can detect movement behind a closed door or through a wall.
Y -Yourself: There’s been a rise of “do it yourself” in recent years, but home automation and security is something best left to the professionals.
Z -Z-Wave: This is one of several wireless communication systems designed for home automation. You can control your lights, thermostat, appliances, and even your home security system remotely.