Package delivery has become a way of life. The average person in the United States receives 21 packages each year. And for many people, that number is much higher.
Whether you’re shopping for clothes, food, or gifts, online shopping has made it easier than ever to get whatever you want right to your front door.
But there’s another group of people who love seeing deliveries—porch pirates.
Porch pirates are thieves that target packages, brazenly stealing them right from a person’s front porch. It’s a growing problem that has affected more than half of all shoppers. And it's an expensive problem, too; the average package theft is valued between $50 and $100.
Luckily, you don't have to be a victim of porch pirates. Here are five easy ways you can outsmart them:
1. Have your packages delivered to your workplace
If you or your spouse work in an office or your employer allows you to receive personal mail at work, you can have your packages delivered directly to your office. From there, depending on your company, the packages will either be delivered right to your desk or held safely in the mail room until you can pick them up.