My wife and I love to travel. We also have a dog named Rambo who we love. Unfortunately, our pup doesn’t usually get to go with us on our wild adventures.
Even though we take lots of trips and spend a lot of time away from home. I always try to make sure our little shih tzu is as comfortable as possible.
There are several companies producing smart home products just for pets. From automatically heating doggie beds to machines letting your pup play fetch by himself, most of the products are less than practical.
My wife and I would rather spend my money on smart home tech the whole family can enjoy. Here’s how our smart house keeps our furry friend cozy while we’re away.
Leave pets home alone in comfort with automatic temperature control
Our smart thermostat automatically adjusts temperatures when we’re home. Through our app, we can also manually turn on the heat while we’re away. The two features are great for leaving Rambo home alone.
Smart thermostats track your living behavior and adjust throughout the day to fit your lifestyle.
We love that the house is always a comfortable temperature, but it could get pricey if we kept the heat running while we’re away. Keeping energy costs down while we’re on vacation was a huge worry.
Luckily, our system is able to detect the difference between people and pets and stops the automatic A/C and adjustments while we’re away.
Even better, we can remotely turn the temperature up or down to make sure our pup in comfortable from anywhere in the world.
Check in at any time
Having access to a live video feed of our home gives us peace of mind. That peace of mind lets us stay in the moment and enjoy each trip.
When we take longer trips, we like to know our little pup is safe.
As a part of our smart home system, we setup a small indoor camera in the living room. Now if we’re ever curious how Rambo is doing, I simply pull out my phone and take a peek.
Live video is a great way to check up on him while we’re on vacation, but I use it daily while we’re in town too. I find myself taking a quick look while at work to make sure he’s doing alright throughout the day.
Smart lighting keeps bedtime consistent
Our lights have tracked our habits and now automatically turn off at 10:00 p.m.
What can I say; we like to be in bed early.
After training our pooch to go to bed at the same time we do, we were worried about throwing off his bedtime routine while we’re out of town. It was tough to train him. We don’t want to ruin all that hard work by letting him run wild when we’re away.
The lights throughout our home keep our routine, turning off automatically at 10 o’clock. No matter where we are in the world, we always know our pup is getting the sleep he needs for another day of adventure at the house.
Find out how a smart home can benefit both you and your pets; learn more at