I finally did it.
After years of using my phone to access email and replacing my library with a tablet, I took the plunge into smart home technology. Now that I’ve found my ideal settings, I couldn’t imagine life without it.
There’re a lot of things that surprise me about it:
• Everything’s easy to use
• Setup is not as scary as I thought
• There’s always new possibilities and products to add to my system
Although all those surprises were great when I discovered them, there is one change in my life that really stands out. I feel like my home works with me instead of me working for it. Here’s a couple examples of what I mean.
Moving towards an ideal lifestyle
I grew up believing in the old-fashioned American dream: nice home, white picket fence, and a cute average family. I got the home, skipped the fence, and have what I like to think is an above-average family. I’d started living the dream I had when I was younger. Now that I’m here, I’ve started looking for more.
My priorities changed.
My wife and I want to take our kids around the country. I want to know my children are taken care of. I want my family to be comfortable. Having a smart home has given me more control. It’s freed up time to let me be who I want to be.
When your kids can be more independent in the home, you’ll be surprised just how much free time you have.
Value vs. cost
When I started looking into buying smart home tech, I saw only two basic paths:
Spend a lot of money for top-of-the-line equipment or get the bare minimum and save a little cash
After some research I decided to fall somewhere in between. A complete system is what makes having a smart home worth it. Buying only bits and pieces wouldn’t give me the flexibility I’m looking for.
I recommend using your budget as a guide, then making your choice based on the features you want most. It always stings a little to spend some cash, but the extra time and comfort is well worth the cost.
The benefits are long-term
Yes, adding home automation to your current setup is cool. But the real value and benefits come with the convenience you experience over time.
When I first installed my smart home system, I was constantly playing with the temperature, dimming the lights, and turning on music just to use it. Now that the initial excitement has died down, I’ve found the house learned from my habits and controls all those things for me.
That's the real value of smart home technology. It enhances my life without even needing commands.
Now that I’ve settled in, the smart home experience is completely different from when I started. I’d recommend anyone who’s curious takes the leap and sees what all the fuss is about. I did, and my family loves it.
Ready to start experiencing your own smart home? Contact the experts at Vivint today.