If you've decided to install the latest Vivint Indoor Camera in your home, you may wonder where you should install it in your smart home. indoor camera is the first two-way talk camera for indoors that has one-touch callout. Using the Indoor Camera camera, anyone in your home can reach users connected to the internet with real, face-to-face communication. Now that you have an indoor camera, here are four ideas on where to put it in your home:
1. Kitchen
The kitchen is the hub of the home for many families. It's the room many people enter and exit from, so it makes sense to install a camera here. Your children can inform you when they've arrived safely from school, and you can talk to everyone in the house when you're preparing dinner or working on the computer.
2. Living room
If the kids spend most of their time in the living room or play room, it may make sense to install your indoor camera camera here. They can reach you when they need to or if they have questions. Because this room probably also contains a television, game system and other technology, it'll be easy to find a place to install the camera so that it's out of the way.
3. Bedroom
Having a indoor camera camera in your child's bedroom may provide them peace of mind if you're frequently away from home in the evenings. Even with a babysitter, your child may feel comforted they can reach you by using the indoor camera. Consider this option if you're caring for an elderly or infirm family member who may spend time in bed.
4. Garage
How many times have you needed your spouse while they were in the garage? Instead of having to find them, install a camera in this area of your home. You won't need to stop what you're doing to have a conversation, and they won't need to stop working to find you. Install this on a wall for easy access and to keep it out of the way.
Wherever you decide to install your indoor camera camera, put it in an area that'll be the most convenient for your family. You'll find communication much easier now in your smart home.
Discuss installing cameras in your home with a Vivint representative today.