In Boca Raton, Florida you can get the latest smart home technology from Vivint
Even in an area as idyllic and laid back as Boca Raton, life can be a little overwhelming at times. Wouldn't it be nice to have one area in your world where everything was under control and worry free? Even better, wouldn't it be nice if that place was the same place you called home? When you convert your Boca Raton, Florida house into a Smart Home, with Vivint it can be the haven that you always dreamed of owning. A home equipped with a Vivint Smart Hub gives you unprecedented control and security while making your life easier than you ever imagined.
Vivint Smart Hub not only gives you total control of your home, from security alarms to HVAC system while you are at home. With the Vivint app, the top-rated Smart Home App in The App Store, it gives you control of your home from anywhere in the world and even if you can't take the time to make adjustments, your system will learn your routine and schedule then adjust itself to make sure your home runs efficiently, stays comfortable and secure while waiting for you to come home.