We’ve reached a magical number in this series: forty! That’s right, there are now 40 different printables for you to download, print, cut, glue, and play with. Or display on your mantel, as I know some people have done. It’s a massive list of all of my favorite things, and it’s about time that we gather them all up into one marathon post and let you see them all together. I’ve included some of my favorites in the image above, but below you can find links to all of the printables – get ready to hunker down and hit save and print forty times! Or, ok, you can start with just a few if you like. But I’d bookmark or pin this page for later, don’t you think?
Happy making to all of you – and enjoy your new neighborhood!
- Mid-Century Mod House
- Gracious Green House
- Ginger Bread House
- Christmas Tree House
- Christmas Tree and Snowman
- Neighborhood Modern Skylights
- Downtown Condo
- New York Neighborhood
- Spring Colors
- House full of flowers
- Greenhouse
- Bygone Era
- Town Square and Mailbox
- Neighborhood Round Up - Round 1
- Your family
- Your friends
- Red car
- Pick-up truck
- Police Car
- Coffee Shop
- Police Station
- Donut Shop
- Haunted House
- Over the river and through the woods
- Flower Shop
- Candle House
- Color your own gingerbread house
- Church
- Cafe
- The front porch
- School
- Candy Shop
- Modern Marvel
- Spring Home
- Forest full of trees
- Park Bench
- Summer Mansion
- Road Trip
- Let's go camping