Key takeaways
- Over 1 in 8 Americans intentionally choose plants and landscaping elements to enhance their home’s security.
- Among Americans who design their landscape intentionally for enhanced home security, 67% use thorny plants. The most popular plant for improving home security was rose bushes.
- 36% of Americans believe an unkempt lawn increases the risk of burglars targeting your home.
- Over 1 in 10 Americans have considered relocating to a different neighborhood due to poorly maintained or unkempt front yards by neighbors.

Burglar-proof landscaping
Did you know your yard could be a key player in your home’s security strategy? From the plants you choose to your landscaping and layout, these decisions can impact your home’s vulnerability to burglars. In this article, we explain the relationship between yard care and home security, backed by a survey of 1,001 suburban homeowners.
Discover how strategic landscaping can deter intruders, how lawn neglect can draw unwanted attention, and the top security features homeowners are adding to their yards, along with common sentiments about home landscaping and burglary prevention. Our findings could help you fortify your yard and home.
Home security begins in the yard
First, let’s unpack Americans’ strategic exterior design choices to enhance their home security and how they think yard maintenance affects safety.

Over 1 in 8 Americans have used their yards as a first line of defense against burglars by intentionally choosing plants and landscaping for home security. However, a well-kept yard helps, too: 36% of respondents believed if their lawn were unkempt, it would increase the risk of burglars targeting their home. Another 63% believed that if homeowners neglected their yard, they were likely skipping other safety precautions like locking doors or installing security cameras—not a message you want to send to potential burglars.
But if you haven’t designed your yard with this in mind, not to worry: 75% have found that just having a well-lit yard deters potential intruders effectively. Simple yard care and strategic outdoor lighting could significantly enhance your safety.
Top home-protecting landscape additions
The next part of our study highlights how nature and technology can blend to create safe and secure homes.

A majority of Americans (86%) have taken steps to boost their front yard security, with the most common enhancements being security cameras (67%), motion sensor lights (61%), and fences or walls (41%). As for natural defenses, 67% of these homeowners turned to thorny plants, with rose bushes emerging as the champion of home security flora.
Besides thorny plants, other top security-enhancing natural yard features included:
- Dense shrubs: 45%
- Tall trees: 42%
- Noisy ground cover: 28%
Of survey respondents who had just learned of these strategies, 48% said they’d consider adding burglar-deterring plants to their yards. These don’t just deter burglars but also porch pirates, who steal delivered packages from porches. This has become a pressing concern.
Yard care and community well-being
How does yard maintenance affect neighborhood safety and relations? Let’s go over the most common homeowner anxieties and their collective efforts to preserve a shared sense of security and aesthetic harmony.

The state of your yard can impact the community’s perception: 19% of Americans have found it very bothersome when a neighbor neglects their lawn. This frustration has led over 1 in 10 Americans to consider moving to a different neighborhood. But it can also affect their sense of security, with 1 in 3 Americans believing a neighbor’s neglected yard could increase the likelihood of burglaries in the area. It’s no wonder lawn maintenance has caused 6% of Americans to have disputes with neighbors.
Safeguarding your sanctuary
Our study highlights the impact that yard care and planning can have on home security. Whether it’s planting thorny bushes under windows or simply maintaining a tidy lawn, small landscaping efforts could go a long way in deterring intruders. We also found a strong connection between intentional landscaping and feelings of security.
By being mindful of your landscaping and proactively enhancing your home security, you can create a beautiful, safe environment for you and your loved ones. Next time you’re gardening, Think beyond curb appeal and fortify your home against crime. Make your yard a shield that protects what matters most.
We surveyed 1,001 single-family homeowners from suburban regions. Among them, 45% were men, 54% were women, and 1% were non-binary. As for generations, 15% were baby boomers, 34% were Gen X, 46% were millennials, and 5% were Gen Z. Estimated home values among respondents included the following:
- 2% less than $100,000
- 12% $100,000 to $199,999
- 21% $200,00 to $299,999
- 20% $300,000 to $399,999
- 14% $400,000 to $499,999
- 12% $500,000 to $599,999
- 7% $600,00 to $699,999
- 4% $700,000 to $799,999
- 2% $800,00 to $899,999
- 2% $900,000 to $999,999
- 5% $1,000,000 or more
Household income breakdown was as follows: 15% earned less than $50,000, 18% $50,000 to $74,999, 20% $75,000 to $99,999, 26% $100,000 to $149,999, 11% $150,000 to $199,999, and 10% $200,000 or more.
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