Homeowners who participate in room share rentals for tenants are using one of their most valuable assets to create a source of income that could help pay the bills. It's up to the homeowner to find the right tenant and be a great landlord, and if they've invested in home automation to turn their home into a smart home, they'll probably have an easy time finding renters.
Home automation has many benefits that range from devices that keep residents safer to convenient features that make daily activities easier. Once a homeowner finds the right person to room share, they need to display all the wonderful aspects of their smart home.
Apps for everything
A great way to share the magic of home automation with a tenant is to explain that many of the more central regulators of a home can now be monitored and controlled remotely, such as the thermostat and smoke detectors. The Sky app allows them to connect to smart home technology and gives the tenant the ability to enjoy their home more and save money, as it provides them with control from anywhere. For example, if they forget to lower the heat when they leave for work and don't want their utility bill to increase, they can lower it from their office.
Home automation can best be explained as the electronic control of different aspects of the home, such as heating and appliances, usually networked together via a single app. Some things can be scheduled and then manually controlled, and it all works together to run a house smoothly so that everything living inside is happier and safer.
A smart home protects everyone
The appeal of home automation safety is great for those interested in a room share, especially since they're living in someone else's home and would appreciate having more control over their personal space and privacy. Two-way security cameras allow them to monitor their space. A doorbell camera lets them see and communicate with visitors. There's also keyless entry, which takes away worries about who may have found a lost key. Lighting control is also an option, so it appears people are home at certain times they may not be. With a home automation system, these all work in concert to provide a sense of security.
Alarms can be installed anywhere in a home, including doors and windows, so tenants can feel their privacy is always secure while renting a room in someone's home. By explaining that they can monitor their space via an app and receive alerts when necessary, you can help them easily adapt to home automation.
Great landlords add technology to their home to make guests happy, and great guests learn how to use it to save money and protect the home.
Want to learn more about home automation? Contact Vivint today.