Think about all of the money you store in your garage. No, we’re not talking about cash—we’re talking stuff. Your cars, your collection of tools, the kids' bikes. Your snowblower, the lawnmower, and all your sports equipment.
Can you guess the collective monetary value of your garage storage? With just one vehicle, most of us keep thousands of dollars worth of possessions in our garage.
Now think about the effort you’ve made in protecting your garage from theft.
The truth is that most people haven't thought much about protecting their garage. So if you fall into this category, don't be discouraged. Now's a great time to take a more proactive approach to garage security—and here's why it matters.
The importance of securing your garage
Protecting your garage is just as important as protecting your home.
Why? In most cases, the garage is attached to the main structure of the house with nothing but a door between the two. It is an additional gateway to your home.
And while you may keep your front and back doors locked, do you always lock the door between your garage and your home?
When we look at the methodical planning behind the common burglary, it's easy to see the garage fits the perpetrator’s criteria perfectly. It’s full of valuable items, the security is lax or easy to bypass, and there are two to three points of entry (garage door, side door, and window).
What’s more, the door to your garage may not be as well-lit or as highly visible as the front door to your house. This point of entry is also further from the people inside the home who might wake at the sound of a break-in.
So, when you think about it, the common garage serves as an ideal point of entry for a criminal looking for a clean and easy steal with a low risk for being caught. Knowing this, it's a good idea to place a greater emphasis on protecting your garage.

How to protect your garage
There are many ways you can burglar-proof your garage, but the best defense is reliable, intuitive smart home security. What does that entail?
A smart garage door controller is a major upgrade from the traditional garage door that you’re used to.
Here are a few examples of how you can benefit from smart garage control and enhance your security.

Running late to work and forgot to close your garage door? Don't sweat it. Your system will notify you on your smartphone and you can close the garage door via the Vivint app.
Is your mailman delivering an expensive package that you want to keep safe? Remotely open your garage door for him so he can place it inside and close it up right after he leaves.
Maybe your friend wants to borrow a bike, but you're out of town. From the beach or the mountains, you can let them in from anywhere and then lock everything up once they're gone.